Take the Damn Pills Until You Don’t Need the Pills Anymore

Many of us never realize what a completely unique and special individual we are.  Throughout all of human history, there has never before existed a person with your exact confluence of genetics and physiology.  Just as no two snowflakes, grains of sand or blades of grass in this world are the same, there is, andContinueContinue reading “Take the Damn Pills Until You Don’t Need the Pills Anymore”

An Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

Chronic inflammation is at the root of a lot of pain and disease.  When inflammation goes on for a long time, it can cause: Fatigue Weight gain Autoimmune problems Cancer Joint pain Sleep issues Ulcers, asthma, ulcerative colitis, allergies, Alzheimer’s How can you reduce inflammation in your body?  You can help your body by addressingContinueContinue reading “An Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle”